Wednesday, April 19, 2006

In which acronyms are bandied about with reckless abandon

The last few weeks at work have been pretty stressful for me. I will be incredibly glad when Tuesday night rolls around and the reason for all the stress is behind me. I'm also going to the Cubs game that night, which will help. :) Anyway, we're up for recertification to construct ASME-stamped pressure vessels. Somewhere along the line, I apparently acquired the title of Quality Control Manager, which means that it's my responsibility to have everything ready for our Joint Review on Monday/Tuesday of next week. My boss (who used to be the QCM) is really being great about guiding me and helping me out with some of the stuff on my checklist of Things That Must Be Done, but still... It's a little nervewracking. On the plus side, I've really been working hard on getting everything ready, and I know that my boss is pleased.

I have to say, though, that as the QCM, I feel I should at least rate a non-generic business card. (The ones I have don't include my name, simply saying "Engineering/Technical." Boring.)

I babysat for Xavy and Eli last night, which was fun but tiring, mostly because I didn't get home until after midnight. Eli fell asleep on me, which is seriously one of the Best. Things. Ever. I know it's not something he'll be willing to do much longer, so I'd better enjoy it while it lasts. We watched the Cubs-Dodgers game together, and hearing them say "Go Cubs" was beyond adorable. I'm so easily amused by those two.

I need a nap.


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